Thursday, February 8, 2007


1. Identify a Specialized Search Engine/Subject Directory from Module 2 of Lesson 4 that relates to your topic. Search for information on your topic. Discuss the type of information you found. Be specific.

I use Bloogz to Searched for information on drunk driving and 671 article that contained useful information on the topic that I've searched. . IThe information that it contained has a lot of relevancy to the information I've wanted, some of this are the ways how to control myself especially when I am drunk,etc.

2. Select a Subject Directory from the Invisible Web, Module 1 of Lesson 4. Search for information on your topic. Describe the search and the results retrieved. Be specific.

TITLE: Impaired Driving, U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

3. Using Yahoo!, find 2 Web sites on your topic. Provide the exact path through the hierarchical directory that you took. Also, list the URL of the 2 Web sites and provide a brief explanation of each site.

4. Using either AltaVista or HotBot, locate one audio and one video file on your topic. Include the exact search statement used to locate the sites. Be specific

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